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Automatic sorter<br> and sample cleaner

Automatic sorter
and sample cleaner

High <br>performance


Self-cleaning<br>sorting screens

sorting screens

Testing, sorting,<br>weighting

Testing, sorting,

Grain sorter for testing, sorting and weighing grain proportions

Automatic Sample Sorter and Cleaner

Rapid testing, sorting and weighing of grain proportions

The PFEUFFER automatic sample cleaner weighs an initial sample of grain or seed (approximately 1.5 liters) in one operation, then starts the SLN 3 sample sorter, performs the removal of the tails, opens, and closes the tailings separator flap, then performs cleaning in a time-controlled mode. It automatically weighs two-grain fractions. State-of-the-art operating software displays the measured weights and corresponding percentages of the original sample on the display. If required, the result can be printed immediately or saved. The result is lost by cleaning with an aspirator and sieves. Weighed samples in containers can be removed for further analysis.

All measured results are continuously stored. It is possible to use a barcode scanner. The results can then be processed using MS Excel® and further saved on an external disk. A sample sorter SLN 3 is required to operate the automatic sample cleaner. Optionally, a pneumatic conveyor system can be used for automatic sample disposal. The illustrations show the automatic sample cleaner together with the SLN 3 sample cleaner.

  • with aspiration and skinner
  • self-cleaning sieves
  • low noise operation
  • touch screen display
  • integrated printer and LAN interface
  • suitable for a wide range of cereals
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