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Karsit Agro, a.s., Dubenec, 2015, 2018

Karsit Agro, a.s., Dubenec, 2015, 2018


Karsit Agro, a.s., Dubenec, 2015, 2018

Stage 2015

  • Receiving conveyor JE-MA with an output of 50 t/h
  • Grain cleaning machine GEBR. RUBERG RVS 60 
  • Conveyor JE-MA, HUTCHINSON
  • Grain dryer STELA GDB-TN 1/16 S
  • Grain silo BIN 4 x 1 264 m3,
  • Grain silo BIN 4 x 575 t
  • Stage 2018

Construction of 4 more BIN silos, each with a capacity of 1 264 m3
Increase storage capacity to 12 892 m3


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