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Celebration on the expanded post-harvest line in Morice

On the 12th of June, in cooperation with our investor ZOD AGRISPOL, we organized a meeting on the extended post-harvest line in Morice.

The ceremony and the opening of the event were introduced by the Chairman of ZOD AGRISPO Mgr. Dominik Vlč and the executive of PALWICA, supplier of technologies, Ing. Petr Pawlica, MBA. We were also honored to welcome Jan Lund, Sales Director of SØBY from Denmark, who personally presented the technologies supplied by their company.

"ZOD AGRISPOL is dedicated to the production of cereals and oilseeds such as winter wheat, spring barley, oilseed rape, sugar beet, maize, and feed crops for livestock production, including alfalfa and maize silage. As far as livestock production is concerned, we operate a closed herd turnover of about 788 cattle in one center, the neighboring Vrchoslavica, where 300 cows are kept," introduced the company's chairman, Mgr. Vlč. He continued, "We have three major investment plans. The first is the modernization of the post-harvest treatment and storage line here in Mořice, for which we have gathered today. The second investment plan is the construction of a new robotic production barn for 300 milking cows on a farm in Vrchoslavica. This project is being intensively prepared and is awaiting support from the State and the European Union. The third strategic project, probably the most significant in cost and importance, is constructing a biomethane plant on the farm in Mořice."

The Chairman further summarized, "I am very pleased that after two years since setting these targets, we have reached the stage where we can get this upgraded post-harvest line-up and running. We are building on the first major modernization investment from about 12 to 13 years ago when the post-harvest line was initially built, featuring a new receiving basket, a grain and oilseed cleaner, and a grain dryer. This part remains intact and is now complemented by four BROCK storage silos with a total capacity of 5,000 tonnes as part of the current investment. There has also been a replacement cleaner with a German Gebr. Ruberg RVS 60 has a capacity of 60 t/h, and a new floor in the storage hall, which was previously intended for long-term storage of barley, has been installed."

Mr. Vlč noted, "I am glad we have found a partner for the implementation phase in PAWLICA. The preparation was intensive, the implementation phase was constructive, and the approach focused on solving several issues. We are pleased with the result and hope it will be functionally confirmed during the first harvest."

Our 15th SØBY grain pump installation

Ing. Petr Pawlica commented, "Pawlica team is grateful for customers like you, because we enjoy our work, and we are even more pleased when we have a customer who has taken a tour with us to the BROCK headquarters, where he was convinced of the quality of their silos. Based on the established trust and friendship, the work thrives." He then introduced the supplier from Denmark, CCO Jan Lund from SØBY.

PAWLICA and SØBY have been working together since 2018. Ing. Pawlica elaborated, "Our company purchases a grain pump, a system that loads and unloads grain. We already have 15 installations in the Czech Republic and are at the beginning of the entire development process. SØBY was proactive, and for Europe, the changes we required were implemented in the form of the grain pump you see here, together with the fans and the sweep augers in the silos."

In conclusion, Jan Lund from SØBY commented, "Thank you to the customer. I believe he will be satisfied. The grain pump you have here is the latest version. I see the Czech Republic and Denmark as two very close nations and a pilot site for installing new technologies."

Thank you and best wishes for success.

Pawlica team

The construction process

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